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Excelia Business School: a DBA degree at the start of the 2024 academic year

News Tank Academic - Paris - News #321731 - Published on
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Excelia Business School will be offering a DBA Doctorate of Business Administration at the start of the 2024 academic year, the school announces on 04/04/2024. The development of this degree is in line with "Excelia's strategy of positioning its research at the heart of social and societal issues and producing knowledge that benefits civil society".

Over the three years, participants will have:
• a first year of theoretical and methodological courses leading to a "certificate of research in business and management";
• two years dedicated to writing and defending the DBA thesis; workshops are also offered."

"ExceliaBusiness School's DBA combines distance learning and optional face-to-face sessions on the Excelia campus in Paris." 

The school, located in several towns in France, is ranked as the 33rd business school and has both AACSB and AMBA labels.

Students will be accompanied by a teacher-researcher from the school, "an expert in the field of research they choose to explore. They will thus benefit from the vast field of expertise covered by Excelia's faculty and its 90 teacher-researchers".

The school tells News Tank that ten places are available for the first promotion of the DBA, which is taught entirely in English. "The preferred recruitment areas are the Middle East, English-speaking Africa, India and North America.

Participants will have to pay €29,000 for this DBA, including €14,000 in the first year, €8,000 in the second and €7,000 in the third.