FP10: "a budget commensurate with the EU's needs and ambitions" among the EUA's demands
A budget commensurate with the EU
European Union
's needs and ambitions, providing a balanced mix of support for basic research, applied research and innovation, promoting the synergistic use of funds, widening participation and maximising excellence, simplifying the rules and structure of the programme, opening up to international cooperation... These are some of the recommendations made by the EUA
European University Association
for the design of the next European R&I
Research & Innovation
Framework Programme, published in its "Vision for FP10" on 08/04/2024.
"The results of the final evaluation of Horizon 2020, the public consultation on the Horizon Europe mid-term review and the analysis of the Horizon Europe 2025-2027 strategic plan reveal numerous challenges that hamper the programme's ability to drive transformative change in European research and innovation.
These challenges include an insufficient budget, the growing complexity of the programme, the ineffectiveness of widening measures and a lack of sufficient synergies with other European and national initiatives and programmes", says the EUA.
On the role of universities in linking education, research and innovation, the association states that "to fully capitalise this for societal benefit and to maximise the capacities of universities as catalysts of innovation, it is vital to equip the Framework Programme with welldesigned tools and adequate resources".
EUA recommendations for FP10
The association recommends :
- "Provide a balanced mix of support for basic research, applied research and innovation.
- Increase the budget to €200 bn.
- Protect the budget.
- Guarantee sustainable investment in research and innovation at European and national level."
The EUA recommends for Horizon Europe's Pillar 1 (Science for Excellence):
- "Provide the pillar with an adequate share of the budget, representing at least 30% of the total programme budget.
Ensure fairer access to Pillar 1, while preserving the principle of excellence".
For Pillar 2 (Global Issues and Industrial and European Competitiveness), it is recommended in particular to:
"Provide balanced support for projects at different levels of technological readiness.
Offer more research-related actions.
Ensure a sufficient budget for traditionally well-functioning open and collaborative cluster calls. At the same time, the funding ceiling for partnerships in FP10 should remain below 50% of the total budget for Pillar 2.
Focus exclusively on the research and innovation activities of the missions."
On Pillar 3 (More Innovative Europe):
- "Provide support to develop innovation skills.
- Recognise the vital role of universities as drivers of cohesive and effective innovation ecosystems.
- Strengthen alignment between the EIC European innovation council and the EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology .
- Broaden Pillar 3 support to cover different aspects of innovation, including social innovation."
Synergistic use of funds
- "Ensure greater consistency in the rules of the EU funding landscape.
- Initiate synergies at the programme design stage.
- Further explore the Seal of Excellence programme [label awarded to projects that are considered excellent but cannot be funded by the EU].
- Strengthen synergies within the programme itself."
Widening participation and maximising excellence
In particular, it is recommended to:
- "Empower institutions in countries with weaker R&I capacity to strengthen their role as R&I leaders.
- Offer more opportunities to carry out collaborative research activities, in the framework of enlargement instruments".
In this context, the EUA suggests that FP10 should "develop a dedicated instrument to enable institutions in widening countries to [EU enlargement countries not participating enough in the FP] to lead the development of ambitious research projects in small research teams comprising researchers from all EU countries".
Simplification of the programme and its participation rules
- "Reduce the complexity of the programme by streamlining its instruments.
- Simplify the application procedure.
- Accept the usual accounting practices of beneficiaries.
- Improve the EU control environment based on the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and value for money.
- Carry out a thorough evaluation of lump-sum financing before extending it."
Openness to international cooperation
- "Ensure responsible openness as the default option for global cooperation.
- Help beneficiaries identify security risks."
Interdisciplinarity and integration of SHSAs (social sciences, humanities and arts)
- "Unleash the full potential of interdisciplinarity.
- To promote the whole diverse spectrum of SHSA research.
- Provide dedicated opportunities for SHSA research.
- Involve SHSA researchers in all phases of the programme development process."
Open science
- "Strengthen capacity building for open science.
- Renew the programme's commitment to a fair scholarly publishing ecosystem.
- Explore and promote new avenues for open access publishing.
- Support the adoption of Fair research data skills and practices. [Four requirements of Fair practices : findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable].
- Recognise diverse outputs and practices in the evaluation of researchers."
Gender equality and inclusion
- "Transform gender equality plans into a committed quest for progress on gender equality.
- Promote equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging throughout the programme."
Communication, distribution and exploitation
- "Exploit the programme's capacity to strengthen society's confidence in science.
- Improve the exploitation of project results.
- Improve the transferability and use of project results."
Broad stakeholder involvement in design and implementation planning
The EUA recommends"strengthening the involvement of R&I stakeholders at all stages of programme planning".
For FP10, the association "suggests doing this through a dedicated body, allowing for the collection of valuable feedback throughout the roll-out of the programme .
There are already good mechanisms for cooperation at EU level with stakeholders, such as the European Research Area Forum, which could be replicated in the design and implementation of FP10."
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