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Minister, university leaders, alliances...: a tour of our interviews from April to June 2024

News Tank Academic - Paris - Selection #328213 - Published on 12/06/24 at 18:13
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©  D.R.
©  D.R.

News Tank Academic interviewed diverse European (and one American) stakeholders of the higher education and research sector on their position on policies, new projects for their institutions, partnerships, executive education, funding and the European degree from April to June 2024.

Sylvie Retailleau, French Minister of Higher Education and Research, called the OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ministerial council meeting "a success of scientific diplomacy" on 26/04/24. The meeting resulted in the "Declaration on Transformative Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future", adopted by 44 countries and the EU European Union .

The Epicur European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions alliance, one of the fifty currently existing European University alliances, is working with two others (Yufe and ECIU European Consortium of Innovative Universities ) on the Foci project (Future-proof Criteria for Innovative European Education), which is one of the six winning projects selected to test the introduction of a European degree, according to Sabine Menu, its liaison officer in Brussels, on 26/04/2024.

"Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres, France) and Rice University (U.S.) have great strategic complementary research areas, and we announced that we will collaborate in four of them to solve challenges that cities like Paris and Houston face", says Reginald DesRoches, President of Rice University, explaining the new partnership on 23/05/2024.

"With less funding the quality of teaching decreases", says Stefan Spiegel, Vice President for Finance and Controlling at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) pointing out the insufficient federal budget for higher education and research on 23/04/2024.

"Starting in August 2024, all new bachelor students will have a crash course in happiness and well-being at the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)", declares Micael Dahlen, Professor of Well-being, Welfare and Happiness on 22/05/2024.

Find below a list of the interviews approaching different topics related to European higher education and research.

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