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AI : "Create more effective, innovative, and inclusive educational environments" (A. Hié, Excelia)

News Tank Academic - Brussels - Analysis #331409 - Published on 09/07/24 at 09:06
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©  D.R.
Anthony Hié - ©  D.R.

"By combining AI Artificial intelligence ’s strengths with human insight, we can create more effective, innovative, and inclusive educational environments, preparing students for an AI-augmented future. Early adopters of AI in their pedagogy will enable their students to gain a competitive edge and to have a better understanding of today's and tomorrow's world", writes Anthony Hié, chief innovation and digital officer at Excelia business school (France) on 08/07/2024, in an analysis for News Tank.

He is exploring the question of the synergy between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education:

"AI's ability to process vast amounts of data complements fundamental aspects of human cognition and behaviour, enhancing our capabilities. This partnership opens new educational possibilities, revolutionising teaching methods and learning experiences."

"According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023, employers’ primary skill priorities for 2027 include cognitive skills such as analytical and creative thinking, as well as technology skills such as AI, big data, and technological literacy. Integrating AI into higher education prepares students for future professional environments where human-machine collaboration will be essential", he adds.

New educational possibilities, revolution in teaching methods and learning experiences...

What about exploring the synergy between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education? AI's ability to process vast amounts of data complements fundamental aspects of human cognition and behaviour, enhancing our capabilities. This partnership opens new educational possibilities, revolutionising teaching methods and learning experiences.

"AI complements humans' creativity, critical judgment, and empathy"

Today, in higher education like in many other fields, AI does not replace humans but complements them by processing vast amounts of data swiftly, while humans perform creativity, critical judgment, and empathy.

AI systems can analyse student performance in real-time, allowing for personalised teaching strategies that target specific needs, improving outcomes and ensuring no student is left behind.

Additionally, AI automates administrative tasks like grading and attendance tracking, freeing educators to focus more on teaching and developing engaging content. Adaptive learning platforms use AI algorithms to assess a student's knowledge and adjust the curriculum accordingly, ensuring an optimised learning experience.

"AI enables teachers and researchers to focus on more complex and creative endeavours"

AI also supports creativity and innovation by handling repetitive tasks, enabling teachers and researchers to focus on more complex and creative endeavours. Virtual assistants can manage course logistics, allowing educators to develop new content and experiment with interactive and experiential teaching methods.

AI facilitates the analysis and discovery of new insights  »

Researchers benefit from AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data quickly, facilitating the analysis and discovery of new insights.

Furthermore, AI-powered augmented and virtual reality create immersive learning environments, allowing students to explore complex concepts interactively, making learning more effective and memorable. AI-driven simulations offer practical, hands-on experiences that prepare students for real-world challenges, such as virtual surgeries for medical students or simulated engineering projects.

Preparing students for an AI-enhanced future

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023, employers’ primary skill priorities for 2027 include cognitive skills such as analytical and creative thinking, as well as technology skills such as AI, big data, and technological literacy. Integrating AI into higher education prepares students for future professional environments where human-machine collaboration will be essential.

AI assists in decision-making by providing students with course recommendations based on their interests and past performance and helping teachers design effective curricula. Students develop critical skills in data analysis, AI-assisted decision-making, and technological ethics, making them competitive in an AI-driven job market.

Developing clear policies and ethical frameworks is crucial »

However, this symbiosis poses challenges, including faculty training, ensuring data protection, and providing equitable access to AI tools. Developing clear policies and ethical frameworks is crucial to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

By combining AI’s strengths with human insight, we can create more effective, innovative, and inclusive educational environments, preparing students for an AI-augmented future. Early adopters of AI in their pedagogy will enable their students to gain a competitive edge and to have a better understanding of today's and tomorrow's world.

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©  D.R.
Anthony Hié - ©  D.R.