Higher education, research, innovation: Best of News Tank Academic Interviews from 2024
A look back at the calls for reform of the EIC
European innovation council
with its Chairman, Michiel Scheffer
President of the EIC board @ European Commission
; an overview of the work done on European university alliances with Pia Arhenkilde, Director General of DG EAC
Directorate-General responsible for the EU Commission's policies on education, youth, sport and culture
at the European Commission; an interview with Michael Hengartner
President @ ETH Board
, President of the ETH
Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
In this selection, you will find around thirty most-read News Tank interviews with leading figures in higher education and R&I
Research & Innovation
from 2024.
The subjects that have animated the most News Tank interviews in research and innovation this year are the setting up of the future FP10
The next Framework Programme for Research, currently referred to as FP10
and the publication of various reports, such as those by Mario Draghi and Manuel Heitor
Chairman of the expert group on the mid-term evaluation of Horizon Europe @ European Commission • Envoy for careers in research @ Cesaer (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering…
In the interviews devoted to higher education, we talked in particular about rankings, leadership, and alliances of European universities, with the creation of a community of practice funded by the European Commission, and a tour of the evolution of the European degree as seen by various alliances...
The editorial team was also present at the EAIE
European Association for International Education
in Toulouse and interviewed Mervin Bakker
Executive Director @ EAIE: European Association for International Education
, the incoming EAIE Executive Director, and Laura Rumbley
Director, Knowledge Development and Research @ EAIE: European Association for International Education
, Director for Knowledge Development and Research.
More transversally, we also discussed the European elections and the expectations surrounding them, followed by the division of portfolios within the College of Commissioners. The editorial team also followed the budget cuts in certain member states.
Enjoy your reading!